t e x t 804-980-6516 to schedule
| m a s t e r s t y l i s t |
Secret Hobby: All the power tools at home are mine, I enjoy working around the house and yard
Favorite Quote: If your hair looks great, you can dress up sweat pants!
Fun Fact: My first job was working construction!
Pro Tip: Try to avoid washing your hair every day. Over washing can cause you to have an oilie
| m a s t e r s t y l i s t |
Secret Hobby: All the power tools at home are mine, I enjoy working around the house and yard
Favorite Quote: If your hair looks great, you can dress up sweat pants!
Fun Fact: My first job was working construction!
Pro Tip: Try to avoid washing your hair every day. Over washing can cause you to have an oilier scalp. Dry shampoo is a must have in the home care arsenal!
| s t y l i s t |
Secret Hobby: Home decorating, traveling & going to concerts.. all the time!
Favorite Quote: “Be the change you wish to see”
Desert Island Necessities: My cat & Iced coffee
Guilty Pleasure: True Crime Podcasts
Pro Tip: When styling your hair with a hot tool, keep the heat low and go slower! There’s no need for high heat, and always use a heat protectant!
| s t y l i s t |
Secret Hobby: Trying new restaurant - I am a total foodie
Favorite Quote: Optimism leads to achievement
Desert Island Necessities: Portable fan, tanning oil, & my doggo
Guilty Pleasure: Mac & Cheese in all forms
Pro Tip: Avoid putting conditioner/leave in conditioner on or near your roots to keep it from getting oily
| a p p r e n t i c e |
Secret Hobby: discovering new music
Favorite Quote: life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it
Desert Island Necessities: my cat Tripp, sushi, aquaphor
Guilty Pleasure: ice cream, shopping,
Taylor Swift
Pro Tip: sleeping in A silk bonnet will help prevent breakage and can increase the longevity of your hair in between washes!
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